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Metadrasi - itinerary koukaki metadrasi

Book presentation “The Itinerary – Tracing the Refugee Routes” on Wednesday, June 7th

Join us on Wednesday, June 7th, at 18:30, at Trii Art Hub (Drakou 9, Koukaki) for the presentation of the sensational book “The Itinerary – Tracing the Refugee Routes”.

In a time of violent conflicts, eleven eyewitnesses aim at making everyone aware of one of the greatest humanitarian disasters, featuring the journey of refugees and the various stations, in their attempt to reach different destinations.

The photographs capture the struggles but also the everyday small joys and humdrum details of refugees’ lives during their journey: sharing bread in abandoned factories, the piles of life-jackets, the wedding stores in the camps, the restless nights by the boat, the suffocating tents and treacherous waters. The end of this journey is not yet in sight…

The book will be available during the event. Proceeds from the sale will support METAdrasi’s actions for unaccompanied children.

The photojournalists whose work features in the exhibition and the book are: Milos Bicanski, Andrea Bonetti, Dimitrios Bouras, Louisa Gouliamaki, Yannis Kolesidis, Yannis Liakos, Menelaos Myrillas, Nikos Paleologos, Anna Pantelia, Fotis Plegas, Orestis Seferoglou.

Organized by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Asylum Service.

invitation_German embassy
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