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Metadrasi - 6ο Samos Running ΜΔΦ

The unaccompanied minors hosted in METAdrasi’s shelter in Samos enjoyed participation at the 6th Samos Running “Stratos Hatzidakis”

Metadrasi - 6ο Samos Running

On August 27, 2017, eight of the unaccompanied children hosted in METAdrasi’s shelter in Samos took part with great success in the 6th Samos Running “Stratos Hatzidakis”. The participation of athletes of all ages was quite high.

The children did their best! They were very pleased with their effort and proud when they saw a member of their group go up to the podium, having won the second place in the 4 kilometer category, while another child of ours won the fourth place.

The facility’s children that did not participate in the race were there to support their friends.
This experience gave the children great joy and brought them even closer to each other.
We are looking forward with excitement for the next sports meeting!

#Samos #UnaccompaniedMinors #solidarity #running #SamosRunning

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