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We would like to announce that we have been informed on the decision of Athens Single Judge First Instance Court (May 14th), which rejects the legal action of a former collaborator – supported by a syndicate union – against the Organization, requesting the recognition of the claim that the work assignment agreements that the Organization had contracted with her concealed a single employment contract. This decision vindicates METAdrasi and recognizes the lawful way in which METAdrasi operates within the framework of labour legislation.  

The coordinated efforts to slander and defame METAdrasi’s work, the threats, planned tensions and untrue claims, did not manage to destroy the Organization’s reputation.

METAdrasi’s team – employees, collaborators and volunteers – continue committed, with respect, consistency and effectiveness, to support our fellow people and the unaccompanied children arriving in our country, with faith in the Organization’s principles and purposes.

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