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Digital dictionary in 5 languages

In cooperation with its partners, METAdrasi, under the 2011 Annual Program of the European Fund for the Integration of non-EU immigrants (EIF), co-financed by the EIF (75%) and the Interior Ministry (25%), implemented the creation of a digital dictionary in five languages: Albanian, Arabic, Georgian, Urdu-Punjabi, and Russian.

The “Learn Greek” dictionary is a useful learning tool for those who have just started learning Greek, and also for those who have basic Greek language skills that require support to improve their vocabulary.

It includes:

  • Search words with reverse translation (approximately 6100 entries), with phonetic and grammar interfaces
  • Theory grammar tables, examples and exercises
  • 18 dialogues based on everyday situations (travel, transportation, shopping, housing, work, education, health, public services.) with animated illustrations, exercises and vocabulary
  • Self-assessment tests

This material is not intended to be a substitute to the program of systematic teaching-learning of the Greek language, but as a supportive learning tool. The aim of the dictionary is to facilitate linguistic communication and the understanding of the Greek language through useful examples and representations of scenes covering a wide range of daily activities.

METAdrasi would like to thank the team that worked on the dictionary: the philologists George Simopoulos and Evaggelia Panteloglou; and the interpreters and translators that worked tirelessly with the translations and editing.

The “Learn Greek” Dictionary is available online here, and available as a free DVD (for more information please contact METAdrasi by phone, email or at our offices)

Activity 1.3 / 11, namely the work 1.3.γ /11, entitled “Creating a digital dictionary in 5 languages’ with a total budget of 140,000 €, funded with 75% from community resources and 25% from national resources .

Subscribe to Greek Language Courses

Fill in the application form at the address 75 Patriarchou Grigoriou E’, Kallithea, 3rd floor - Metro "Kallithea Station", Monday to Friday, 10:00-17:00.