Ready4Business is an educational and training programme for refugee entrepreneurs, implemented by METAdrasi with the partnership with UNHCR.
It is addressed to recognized refugees, subsidiary protection beneficiaries and temporary protection beneficiaries. The Ready4Business Programme runs in Athens. However, people from other geographical areas can enroll as long as they can clearly communicate in English or Greek.
How can I apply
Ready4Business is being developed in 2 cycles per year and specifically from January to June and from June to December. 10 people are shortlisted to attend each cycle after their application and personal interview with the programme manager.
Interested parties, can apply here.
What the programme offers
Through workshops and 1:1 meetings, participants learn how they can transform their business idea into a viable business. During the programme they develop their business plan which is a valuable guide in order to better understand and analyze their business idea. The business plan is not just a written document, it is a necessary tool in order to seek funding. At the same time, participants learn the legal and fiscal business environment in Greece.
The Ready4Business program is offered free of charge.
The only obligation of the participants is their willingness and commitment to learn and see their business grow.