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Metadrasi - CoLab

CoLab: supporting Community Centers & Organizations that provide Greek language courses

Since January 2022, METAdrasi supports Community Centers & Organizations that provide Greek language courses to adults operated by asylum-seekers, refugees or volunteers in Athens and Thessaloniki.

The programme includes:

  • Provision of educational material adapted to the needs of students
  • Training of the educational staff on a variety of topics including the use of online learning platforms, teaching methods, curricular development and classroom management etc
  • Empowerment of networking among Communities and Organizations for mutual support  
  • Meeting needs related to the implementation of programming where possible (e.g., provision of materials and equipment)  

If you are interested, please fill the following form:

For more information, contact us at nvontosiadi@metadrasi.org & mkandylaki@metadrasi.org.

The programme is funded by UNHCR .

Metadrasi - CoLab
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