The virus of intolerance, like the virus of the pandemic, spreads everywhere. Hate, violence, intolerance, fanaticism. On the occasion of the horrible and most violent murder of the 47-year-old professor Samuel Paty, on Friday afternoon, in France, thousands of people of different origin,different political and religious beliefs, united their voices in Paris and other French cities in order to defend the right to freedom of expression.
📢 “Je suis Samuel”
📢 “We are the defenders of the Republic, we are Samuel. We will continue to cultivate the freedom of expression to our students”
📢 “Je suis Enseignant.e (I am a Teacher)”
Some of the slogans that flooded France and reached the whole world.
In an interview to the newspaper “Le Figaro”, French philosopher Pascal Bruckner, highlights that the goal of this terrorist attack was “the most sacred bastion of Democracy: a school and a professor”. And Democracy’s response comes through education.
▶️ Of all the slogans, we keep the one with Nelson Mandela’s words: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”