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Metadrasi - METAdrasi Womens Day 1

Educational session on the occasion of the International Women’s Day

Metadrasi - METAdrasi Womens Day 1 1

The girls of the Transit Accommodation Facility for Unaccompanied Minors in Chios participated in an activity we organized for the International Women’s Day. We first referred to the protest of March 8, 1857, held in New York by women textile workers who demanded better working conditions. Afterwards, we watched a video about the struggles women have fought to gain equal rights with men.

The girls discussed the changes that have taken place in women’s lives, as well as the purposes they have achieved, such as the right to education and work or the right to elect and be elected. They noted that women in their countries are still deprived of many rights, as they marry and have children against their will and they don’t have access to education.

The activity ended with the girls referring to their female role models, who fought for gender rights and equality. The girls are inspired by their action and hope to become just as strong to conquer their dreams.

METAdrasi’s Transit Accommodation Facilities in Chios and in Samos are funded since June 2020 by EEA Grants in the framework of the Asylum and Migration programme.

Funded by EEA Grants
Fund operated by ΣΟΛ Crowe and HumanRights360

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