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Metadrasi - Pandrosos2samos

METAdrasi’s Accommodation Facility for Unaccompanied Minors in Samos: explorations in the snow!

A few days ago, unaccompanied children accommodated in our facility in Samos, along with the Facility’s Psychologist and Social Worker, made an excursion to the village Pandrosos. This is a village built at an altitude of 630 meters, on the slopes of Mount Karvouni.

“The children were very excited about the snow, since most had never seen in their lives. As soon as we got out of the van, we started playing snowball fight, everyone had fun”, recounts Christoforos, the Social Worker of the Facility. “Then we made a walk through the village. The children greeted each resident we met and they in turn were very friendly with us.

Then we took the path leading to Profitis Ilias, we crossed streams and snow-covered trees through narrow alleys. In some houses’ yards we could see hens, rabbits, turkeys and peacocks. The children observed them with interest.

The day was sunny and the landscape extremely beautiful. I showed the children how to use my camera and they exercised capturing landscapes and taking portraits of each other in the snowy surroundings (see some samples of their experimentations).

Before taking the way back, children collected snow and placed it on the van to bring it in for the rest of the children of the facility, in order to share with them the joy they experienced.”

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