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Metadrasi - METAdrasi Mentors

Former unaccompanied minors “show the way” to other unaccompanied minors

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The girls residing at METAdrasi’s Supported Independent Living apartment welcomed a team of Mentors of the Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors. The girls met the members of the team, who are former unaccompanied minors, and discussed with them about their daily life at school and at home.

The Mentors asked about the girls’ activities and how they spend their time at home, but focused more on schooling, emphasizing how important it is to finish school. They shared their own stories, saying that even though they worked alongside their studies, they made sure they did not miss their classes, either at evening or morning school, and managed to get their high-school diploma, the “apolytirio”.

The conversation with the Mentors really touched the girls. It was very inspiring to hear about the experiences of people who were in the same position as them and have now achieved so much.

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