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Metadrasi - guardianship

Guardianship Network for Unaccompanied Minors

METAdrasi’s Guardianship Network for Unaccompanied Minors ensures the personalized support of unaccompanied children throughout Greece. To date, the 70 trained members of the Network have provided care and protection to over 3,000 unaccompanied children.

The needs are great, as more than 3,300 unaccompanied children are found alone in our country, while 2,200 of them are deprived of appropriate accommodation, living in precarious conditions: in camps, detention centers, even on the street.

METAdrasi’s Guardianship Network for Unaccompanied Minors was created in 2015, funded by EEA Grants, with the Bodossaki Foundation as Fund Operator. Today it is supported by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) and UNICEF.

International Migrants Day

More than 910,000 refugees and migrants reached Greece in 2015, driven by forces such as war, persecution or poverty. On the #MigrantsDay, we share with you some details about the project 'Guardianship network for unaccompanied minors', which provided support to children arriving alone to ??. These are 2 facts about the project:- ?were placed in accommodation facilities?,- trained professionals took care of every aspect of their lives?. Do you want to know how these facts were implemented? ?Learn more about the project here: http://bit.ly/2yTAfXOUnited Nations Human Rights IOM – UN Migration

Posted by EEA and Norway Grants on Montag, 18. Dezember 2017

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