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In Moldova: the importance of supporting local organizations

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While the spotlight is on Poland where hundreds of international NGOs have arrived due to the significant number of Ukrainian refugees, we cannot help but think about Greece’s “refugee crisis” of 2015-2016: the island of Lesvos was full of journalists and organizations that arrived daily from abroad, while at the same time the islands of Chios and Samos remained in the background although at times they faced the same if not greater challenges.

Moldova, a country of 2.5 million residents that has already welcomed more than 420,000 Ukrainian refugees, is struggling to meet the enormous challenges, based mainly on its own resources. Being at the forefront of the Greek “refugee crisis”, METAdrasi knows very well what it means to be a national organization and to try without the corresponding resources of International Organizations to cope to fill the gaps and needs of thousands of refugees. Moldova is appealing for help. It is not a member of the European Union and is not in the public spotlight. We considered it our duty to try to support local organizations, well aware of the challenges they face.

With these thoughts in mind, a small group of our team went on a mission to Moldova last week, visited temporary refugee centers, went to the border and, most importantly, met up with local organizations that have been active in the country for years and now – having few resources, but a lot of passion – they support Ukrainian refugees.

We will support them as much as we can, knowing well what it means to be in the midst of the sudden arrival of thousands of refugees in your country and what happens in the end, when all those who came to help leave and the ones left behind to continue striving for the best, are the national organizations.

We warmly thank them for the special welcome and the constructive cooperation!

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