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Just Cycling supports unaccompanied minors

The swiss organization No More Walking supports METAdrasi’s activities for the unaccompanied children for the third year in a row, motivating people from all over the world in a common goal!

During the first year, 17 passionate cyclists started JustCycling. Since then, more than 180 people joined the cause, discovering together the paths of Europe, by cycling (JustCycling), running (JustRunning) or hiking (JustHiking).

This year, more than 150 participants from 20 countries are joining forces! Already, since March 2018, 50 runners have been dedicating their efforts through Just Running and will keep on facing challenges untill October 2018, while, in the context of Just Hiking, a team of hikers will participate in a solidarity hike in Ibiza on the 27th of May. At the same time, the cyclists of Just Cycling will be riding from Amsterdam to the city of Leuven in Belgium and back, a total of 470km in 72 hours, from the 25th to the 28th of May.

We thank them wholeheartedly for taking part in these exceptional events, that inspire us all to overcome our limits, in order to stand by the unaccompanied children!

You can also become a part of this effort!

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