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Metadrasi - breakthechain2016

“Learning Greek, breaking the bonds of isolation”

METAdrasi participates in “Break the Chain Festival 2016” to fight exploitation and human trafficking

Saturday, the 22nd & Sunday 23rd of October, 12:00-22:00

METAdrasi is participating in “Break The Chain Festival 2016” to combat trafficking and exploitation of human beings from humans, with an exhibition containing writings from refugees and migrants (adults and children) who are being taught the Greek language at the free courses offered by METAdrasi.

We asked 25 students to describe how life is in Greece, composing letters addressed to their loved ones back in their homelands. Through their writings they reveal major and minor aspects of their daily lives in Athens, they share their thoughts, express their concerns as well as their expectations.

The prevailing elements are their strong will and their effort, with the help of their teachers, in order to conquer the Greek language and approach the Greek culture and people.

“I want to learn Greek in order to understand and meet people. If you do not know the language, not only you don’t have a job, nor do you have friends…” says the letter of Mehmet.

“I started making friends because I have slowly started speaking Greek…” recounts Hasan to his sister.

In their many letters they speak with admiration for Greek history, mythology and philosophy. Most are impressed with the weather, the sun, the sea, the fruits and the Greek cuisine. They identify differences and similarities in relation to their homeland.

“My dear Sarah, you do not know how beautiful the sea is here, the water is like tears. The weather is just like it is there.”

Others refer to the crisis and the difficulty to find a job. “I am having a hard time, but I have a lot of hope for the future.”

METAdrasi, with the aim to facilitate the smooth integration of refugees and migrants into Greek society, offers from 2011 free Greek lessons, allowing them to learn our language and culture.


We thank all our volunteer teachers for their dedication to their significant work.

Since October 2016, the greek language courses are hosted at HIGGS, while part of the expences are covered by the organisation We Do What We Can.


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