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Metadrasi - ΡΙΤΣΩΝΑ ΟΚΤ23

Learning Greek in Ritsona

Metadrasi - ΡΙΤΣΩΝΑ ΟΚΤ23

This Monday morning, Laila* and Amir* eagerly prepared themselves for their first day at “school”.
Only the school is not located in the center of a busy city but in a container in the Accommodation Site of Ritsona. Only Laila and Amir are not children, but adult asylum seekers who took their seats at the desks, experiencing exactly the same excitement and anxiety that young children do on their very first day at school.

METAdrasi’s Greek language classes have been running at Ritsona’s site for the last five days, and already, over a hundred students like Laila and Amir have registered to resume their educational journey by learning their first Greek words. Our teachers, with extensive experience in instructing Greek as a second language, stand by their side along the way, providing unwavering support on their path to acquiring knowledge, in order to facilitate their integration into the local community.

We warmly thank the Facility’s Management, the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, and the Refugee Education Coordinator for their invaluable cooperation.

*Names have been changed for security reasons.

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