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Metadrasi - METAdrasi Facility Samos 1

Olive Harvest by the children of our Accommodation Facility in Samos

With bags in their hands, the unaccompanied children our Transit Accommodation Facility in Samos set out to collect olives from the field that a neighbor has very kindly allowed us to use.

Our team of the accommodation facility had made sure to inform the children about the multiple benefits of olives in our nutrition and health, as well as their historical value for the Greek tradition. They were impressed when they learned that the prize for the winners of the Olympic Games of antiquity was a wreath made from an olive branch.

Sheets were spread out under the trees where all together began to carefully harvest the olives to “extract” the year’s olive oil! With laughter and jokes they managed to fill a box with olives which they gave to the olive mill. And a few hours later, with great pride, all the children of the accommodation stood proud next to the final result: a bottle of homemade oil!

METAdrasi’s Transit Accommodation Facility in Samos is funded since June 2020 by EEA Grants in the framework of the Asylum and Migration programme.

Funded by EEA Grants
Fund operated by ΣΟΛ Crowe and HumanRights360

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