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Metadrasi - LesvosVoT1s

Seminar for the Certification of Victims of Torture in Lesvos


Recently, the educational seminar “Asylum Seekers and Torture: A Special Vulnerable Group” was successfully completed in Lesvos, by METAdrasi’s Department for Certification of Victims of Torture, with the support of UNHCR.

The 75 participants attended the seminar with great interest. Among them, representatives of various authorities and organizations active in the field: UNHCR, the Asylum Service, Reception & Identification Service, HCDCP, PRAKSIS, IOM, Médecins Sans Frontières, METAdrasi and others.

METAdrasi’s team consists of experts on “Certification of Victims of Torture”, with valuable experience in the field: Lawyer Ioanna Babasika, Psychologist Elena-Olga Christidi and Doctor Agapios Terzidis.

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