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“Step2School”: learning, celebrating, creating, improvising…

Refugee and migrant children, participating in METAdrasi’s educational programme Step2School, celebrated in a very warm atmosphere:
with their teachers’ help, they prepared a theatre performance and a puppet show, created christmas ornaments to decorate the classes as well as a christmas tree with wishes. They all sang the carols and exchanged wishes.
“All the children participated with enthusiasm and contributed in the preparation by adding their personal touch”, recounts Nikoleta, a member of METAdrasi’s team.
“It was a great celebration”, says little Hatim. “With movies, music… Our English and German teacher made cards for everyone. I still carry mine in my pocket for good luck!”

Step2School is a non formal education programme, serving minors, ages 6 to 18, that live in temporary hosting facilities, accommodation facilities for unaccompanied minors and apartments, but it also welcomes other children that live in the neighborhood. The programme provides remedial education in the form of afternoon support classes, emphasizing language acquisition, mathematics and homework support and establishes a safe framework of support for the integration of refugee and migrant children. Additionally, Farsi and Arabic lessons are offered to children and adults, as well as intensive lessons in Greek, English, German and computer skillls for teenagers aged 16 to 18.

For more information and enrollments:
Phone number: 214 1008 700
e-mail: education@metadrasi.org

Step2School is carried out within the framework of the “Open Schools” programme of the Municipality of Athens in various schools throughout the city, with the valuable contribution of volunteers.
As the number of students is rising, METAdrasi is looking for volunteer to join their team by offering teaching or secretarial support.

Τhe “Open Schools” programme of the Municipality of Athens operates with Stavros Niarchos Foundation as exclusive donor. The “Step2School” activity is is supported by UNICEF with funding from the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (DG-ECHO) and the Federal Foreign Office (AA).

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