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Metadrasi - METAdrasi DELTA

Stepping Stone: trainings and workshops continue with unwavering interest

Metadrasi - METAdrasi DELTA

METAdrasi continues its collaboration with large companies and businesses to provide free training and seminars to refugees and asylum seekers, facilitating their integration into the labor market through its educational integration programme, “Stepping Stone.”

In April, a group of eight asylum seekers from Ritsona site visited the premises of the DELTA factory in Aghios Stefanos. They were given the opportunity to witness the production process, while also receiving information about working conditions, employee tasks, and obligations.

During the same period, three beneficiaries of the programme residing in Samos facility, participated in a training session on housekeeping provided by the hotel unit “Samos Sun Hotel.” This training familiarized them with the basic rules and principles of the profession.

These training sessions are part of the Stepping Stone programme, implemented in partnership with UNHCR. Its objective is to support every refugee living in the camps, facilitating their smooth integration into the labor market and enabling them to stand on their own two feet, making the most out of their knowledge and experience.

METAdrasi’s Stepping Stone Programme is supported by UNHCR.

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