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Successful completion of the first Parents-Teachers online meetings

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In the second lockdown, everyone was ready; our team of the education department, but also our students. Distance learning was immediately implemented and as a result none of the students of our educational programs in Athens missed a single hour of lessons. This time however, we took one more step, organizing online meetings so that all the parents, but also the caregivers and educators from accommodation facilities of other organizations, could be informed about the progress of the children.

As online meetings with parents and guardians, with the simultaneous presence of interpreters had not been organized before, there was a slight doubt if everything would go smoothly. But, from the first moments of the meetings, the joy and good mood of everyone prevailed! We spoke again to the parents of our old students and we met the parents of the new ones. Their enthusiasm was evident.

We discussed about how important it is for the children to attend school and learn the Greek language, and also about METAdrasi’s role in achieving these goals. The parents had many questions. With the interpreters’ valuable help of and taking advantage of the breakout rooms, we discussed the progress of their children, while parents and guardians had the opportunity to have a private conversation with their children’s teachers.

You cannot imagine how important this online meeting has been for me. I spoke with my son’s teacher and was very happy to learn how much he has progressed with his lessons. I want to express my gratitude to you, that through all the difficulties that were caused by the pandemic, you never forgot us” stated the mother of one of ours students.

In total three online meetings were held with the parents and guardians of students, aged 6-18, of the Step2School programme, which has been operating since the summer of 2020 with the support of the Liu Kuo-Chun Educational Foundation, Hong Kong.

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