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Metadrasi - child UCR

Support Ukrainians in Greece

In the context of the refugee crisis on European territory, where millions of Ukrainian nationals were forced to leave their homes, METAdrasi was mobilized immediately to respond to the ever increasing and urgent basic needs of new arrivals in our country.

In particular, we provide:
· Accommodation (room and board) for women and children over 5 years old (Athens)
· Babysitting and creative activities for children aged 4-6 years old
· Legal support
· Psychosocial support
· Provision of food and non-food items
· Support to find work
· Greek and English language courses for adults*
· Greek, English and German language courses for Ukrainian and Russian-speaking children*
· Remedial teaching for children attending the Greek school*
· Dedicated helpline**

Interested applicants can fill in the on-line form in the following languages:

Будь ласка, виберіть мову та заповніть електронну форму:

* The courses are held in Athens and Thessaloniki
** For more information regarding METAdrasi’s activities for the support of Ukrainian refugees in Greece, you may contact us either by completing the on-line form above, or by contatcting us at the dedicated helpline 690 809 1400, (also, via the Telegram/Viber/WhatsApp applications).

Sharing is caring