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Metadrasi - METAdrasi photo exhibition chios 1

The children of our Accommodation Facility for in Samos show their talent in photography

The children of METAdrasi’s Transit Accommodation Facility for Unaccompanied Minors in Samos had the opportunity to show their talent in photography. With their cameras in their hands, they roamed the island in order to capture through their lenses the “silences”, for their participation in the exhibition with the theme “We photograph to identify the silences, to hear them to live them”.

The photo team “Photographizo” of the 2nd High School of Samos, of which our children are members, made their dream come true by presenting a photo exhibition in the framework of the “Schools for All” project, supported by EEA Grants, with the aim of creating an inclusive school environment.

When the long-awaited dates of the exhibition finally arrived, the children of the accommodation facility, together with the other children of the school, proudly presented their works in the hall of the Municipal Council, receiving rave reviews, both for their inspiration and for their technique!

METAdrasi’s Transit Accommodation Facility in Samos is funded since June 2020 by EEA Grants in the framework of the Asylum and Migration programme.

Funded by EEA Grants
Fund operated by ΣΟΛ Crowe and HumanRights360

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