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Metadrasi - 20211210 124223 2

Visit of the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs to the first dormitory for homeless children in Athens

Metadrasi - 20211210 124223 2

On Friday, December 10, 2021, Domna Michailidou, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, visited the first Dormitory for homeless minors created by METAdrasi.

During her visit, which lasted more than an hour, the Deputy Minister was given a tour to the premises of the Dormitory, talked to unaccompanied children and the specialized staff that supports the operation of the Dormitory and was informed about the program that the children follow, given that the minors who spend the night safely in the Dormitory, during the day spend their time at METAdrasi’s Day Center where they participate daily in creative and educational activities. “The fact that more and more children are enrolled in school is one of the most important signs that we are achieving our goal which is none other than removing children from homelessness as well as from various abusive environments and networks of exploitation”, said George Diakogiannis, the dormitory manager.

The Dormitory was created and operates with METAdrasi’s own resources, has been licensed under the Common Joint Ministerial Decision “Δ23/οικ.190611457/2016” (Government Gazette 1336/Β/12-5-2016) and is addressed to all children in the city of Athens that experience homelessness. Particularly important is the contribution of the Municipality of Athens that from the first moment responded positively and supports this effort, as well as the help of supporters who provide basic necessity items. In the seven months of its operation, the Dormitory has filled a particularly significant gap by providing emergency accommodation in a safe environment to more than 130 children.

Following the recent positive development of the closure of the “safe zones” in the refugee camps, which for many years were the most unsuitable places for children living in danger from all kinds of trafficking and exploitation networks, an even bigger gap for the provision of accommodation has been created. It is imperative that the Dormitory be fully utilized by the competent bodies and authorities that have under their responsibility the protection of unaccompanied children, but also of children who do not have suitable places to be temporarily accommodated.

METAdrasi’s President, Lora Pappa, thanked the Deputy Minister for her visit to the Dormitory, for her sincere interest and positive cooperation.

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