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Metadrasi - METAdrasi xmas 2021 5

Xmas presents for the children of our shelters

Wide smiles brightened the faces of the children living in the Accommodation Facilities for Unaccompanied Minors in Athens, Chios and Samos, when they realised that their wishes for Christmas gifts came true.

Bicycles and sweets offered by the Embassy of Slovakia granted the wishes of the children living in the Accommodation Facility in Athens. Without wasting any time, they rode the bikes and headed out.

Food, cookies and sweet desserts sent by Desmos covered the needs of younger and older kids with a “sweet-tooth”, since in some of their letters to Santa they had asked for more sweets.

Christmas bags filled with clothes and shoes were left by the Christmas elves in our Accommodation Facilities, satisfying the children’s wish for shoes like the ones Messi and Ronaldo wear.

A female student of St. Lawrence College, initiated the collection of pencils, hats, gloves, toys, sweets and personal hygiene items; with the help of her fellow students she wrapped them into colourful boxes and offered them to the unaccompanied children, making these holidays even more special.

Employees and children from the Transit Accommodation Facility in Chios decided to prepare handmade Christmas ornaments, tsourekia (traditional sweet bread) and greeting cards and send them to children living in other facilities, proclaiming their own message of love for Christmas.

The festive atmosphere of this period was enhanced even more by the donation of the Parents’ Association of the 14th Elementary School of Glyfada; they offered balls, board games and painting materials, while the Primary School Committee of the Municipality of Glyfada, the Municipality’s Social Services and its citizens, offered food and many toys to the unaccompanied children living in the Accommodation Facility in Athens.

We owe a great thank you to each and every one of you, for helping us share the Christmas magic with the children.

METAdrasi’s Transit Accommodation Facilities in Chios and Samos are funded since June 2020 by EEA Grants in the framework of the Asylum and Migration programme.

Funded by EEA Grants
Fund operated by ΣΟΛ Crowe and HumanRights360

Since 1/6/2021 METAdrasi’s Transit Accommodation Facility in Athens is funded under the HOME/2020/AMIF/AG/EMAS/0132 financing agreement with the European Commission for the program “Reinforcing the UAM Reception and Accommodation System in Greece”.

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