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Metadrasi - METAdrasi Ritsona 1 2025

Career days at the camp of Ritsona

Metadrasi - METAdrasi Ritsona 1 2025

METAdrasi organized with great success the career days at the camp of Ritsona on the 21st and 22nd of January, together with the One&Only Kéa Island hotel.

Following last year’s cooperation that led to the absorption of beneficiaries of the Stepping Stone programme, this year there was also a significant interest in recruiting asylum seekers and refugees staying at the facility.

Through Greek language courses and preparation for the labour market, METAdrasi’s Stepping Stone programme, implemented in partnership with UNHCR, aims to support refugees and asylum seekers residing in camps, so that they can find employment and integrate smoothly.

As L., a refugee woman supported by the progarmme, says: “Things have gone from good to better since I came to METAdrasi. First you made me feel like I was in a family, then you gave me wings to fly and find a job in a hotel. Thank you again for making my dream come true.”

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