A surprise awaited the unaccompanied children hosted at METAdrasi’s Accommodation Facility in Athens, the day after Christmas. The president of the Organization visited them at their home, bringing with her gift bags from the Embassy of Slovakia.
Each bag had a small bracelet with the name of the country, which the children wore with pride, as they immediately remembered the visit a few months ago of “the people from Slovakia” with whom they played and painted for hours.
The joy of surprise, the faces of the children the brightened up as soon as they saw that there was a bag for each one, are enough to remind us that happiness lies in the small things, in simple gestures that show that someone thinks and cares about you!
We warmly thank the Ambassador Iveta Hricová, and all the people of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Athens who, since December 2018, stand by the side of the children of our accommodation facility, with simple and so human gestures.
Since 1/1/2018 METAdrasi’s Transit Accommodation Facility in Athens is funded in the framework of the implementation of the programme “Operation of Accommodation Structures for Unaccompanied Minors” by the National Program of Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.