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A chain of solidarity for the people affected by the fires

METAdrasi’s team, realizing the enormous needs caused by the catastrophic wildfires, took action immediately, organizing a collection of essential items for our fellow human beings affected by the fires.

With the items that we had available in our warehouse and with the support of UNICEF Greece, we managed to collect a total of 310 boxes of basic necessities (bottled water, juice, long-lasting food items and antiseptic wipes), which we handed over today to the team of Humanity Greece, that will in turn distribute them to the affected areas.

Early in the morning we formed a chain of solidarity in Aristophanous street in Psyrri, Athens, where everyone together, METAdrasi’s team, the volunteers of Humanity Greece, ordinary citizens, and even the two drivers of the supermarket Sklavenitis’ truck, transported all the boxes to the warehouse. From there, the various items will be distributed where needed.

We warmly thank Humanity Greece for the invaluable cooperation. We hope everyone will keep strong for the difficult work ahead!

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