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Our children from the Transit Accommodation Facilities in Chios and Samos contribute to the protection of the environment on the occasion of the World Coast Day

Our children from the Transit Accommodation Facilities in Chios and Samos, chose the World Coast Day, on the 24th of October, to contribute to the protection of the environment. In cooperation with the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA) they organized a coast cleaning on the beaches of Mourtia in Samos and of the Nautical Club in Chios.

The children chose these two beaches as these are their favourite swimming spots. Wearing gloves and carrying garbage bags, they carefully picked up all kinds of litter. They actively asked questions about waste decomposition time and its environmental impacts.

In the end, they catalogued the litter, separated it into aluminum, plastic and paper and placed it into the corresponding recycling bins.

Children are our future and regardless of nationality, origin or sex, it is very important to learn to protect and take care of the place where they live. Actions like the one in which the children of the Chios and Samos Accommodation Facilities participated, remind us all that we can and must contribute to the protection of our planet.

METAdrasi’s Transit Accommodation Facilities in Chios and Samos are funded since June 2020 by EEA Grants in the framework of the Asylum and Migration programme and are supported by 10% by the Paul & Alexandra Canellopoulos Foundation and the Kahane Foundation.

Funded by EEA and Norway Grants
Fund operated by ΣΟΛ Crowe and HumanRights360

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