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Metadrasi - METAdrasi education day cy 4

“Education frees the mind from illusions and gives wisdom”

What is the importance of education for the students of METAdrasi Cyprus? Shamsa, Afraa, Ali, Gada and Nura, share with us their thoughts on the occasion of the International Day for Education.

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Shamsa: “Education helps us in life as you gain knowledge and through knowledge you gain confidence and become stronger to face new challenges.

Afraa: “Education has been instrumental in increasing my confidence. Education helps in gaining knowledge and skills, creating jobs and raising awareness oν health and nutrition issues. It also frees the mind from illusions and gives wisdom, allowing for research and unstoppable growth.”

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Ali: “Education is important for me, as it facilitates communication with the people around me, knowing the language and culture of other people. It also makes it easier for me to stay in the country where I live.”

Gada: “Education gives knowledge about problems we face in our lives like geography, chemistry, biology, mathematics; this knowledge helps us to do our work in a very productive and easy way. It also helps us to communicate internationally.”

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Metadrasi - METAdrasi education day cy 1

Nura: “Without education we cannot succeed in any domain of our lives. Education is a tool for improvement to create a bright future. With this tool we can achieve something good for our lives.”

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