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Metadrasi - metadrasi step2school student

Encouraging our students’ talents

Metadrasi - metadrasi step2school student

“I like painting for hours, it makes me happy». In my paintings I express my feelings, my thoughts. My dream is to have my own exhibition in Athens.”

Reza, our student from Iran, has been living in Greece for three years and his passion is painting. He often comes to class with his hands covered in colours. Some times, he even presents us his work!

In METAdrasi’s Greek language courses, refugees and migrants from dozens of countries learn our language. Each one enriches the class with their own cultural elements and talents, which our teachers encourage and support.

The activity is implemented with the valuable contribution of volunteer teachers and is supported by the Captain Vassilis & Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation, The Bodhi Tree Foundation and other supporters from Greece and aboard.

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