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Metadrasi - Childrens rights

All different and all the same!

Kids do not care about borders and identities. With the occasion of the International Children’s Rights day (20th November), they expressed it in action.

In METAdrasi’s Space for Mother and Child in the Asylum Service in Thessaloniki, where mothers have the possibility to take care of their babies and children are creatively occupied by our team members, the children spread their own message regarding diversity and interculturalism: they adhered to the globe their friends, figures of kids from all over the world, picturing in their own special way the joy of coexistence.

The defence of all children’s rights should be a priority as the hope for a better and brighter future lies in their hands.

METAdrasi’s activity “Mother and Child Areas at the Asylum Service” is implemented with the valuable contribution of our volunteers and with the support of the Asylum Service and Unicef.

Sharing is caring