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Metadrasi - METAdrasi Education day

International Day of Education 2025

On the occasion of the International Day for Education, METAdrasi’s students express their thoughts.

Metadrasi - METAdrasi Education day

Ivan, Ritsona camp
Education is the most powerful tool we have to change our lives and the world around us. For me, education means hope. It is the bridge that leads us to a better future, opening doors to opportunities, knowledge and development. It enables us to dream, set goals and achieve them. Education is not just about the classes we attend, but also about the values, skills and confidence we gain in the process. It is the key to inclusion, creativity, personal growth and collaboration. When I first came here, my knowledge of English helped me communicate, but I knew that in order to build my life in Greece, I needed to learn Greek. I want to live here, to be able to communicate, find a job, build relationships, start my own business and study at university. All these dreams and goals I have started to take shape through the education I received here. The Greek language classes were not only a step towards integration, but also a way to forget for a while the difficulties of life in the camp. When I am in the classroom, I am immersed in the world of the Greek language and my mind calms down. I hope that education will become accessible to all, because it is a right, not a privilege. Together we are building the future, through education. I want to express my gratitude to all those who give their heart and soul every day, supporting education and the people who want to learn, with every means at their disposal. Thank you.”

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Student, Samos camp
Education for me is a second chance, a new beginning. When I was forced to leave my homeland, education and METAdrasi in particular became the light that guided me in the darkness, the hope for a better future. Every day, through learning, I try to rebuild my life, to understand the new society in which I live, and to find a way to contribute. Through this process, doors to new professional opportunities and personal victories open before me. Education keeps me close to my dreams and gives me the strength to fight for them, even when the difficulties seem insurmountable. On International Day for Education, I realize how important it is to have the opportunity to learn and evolve. Through knowledge, I can move forward and create a future for myself and my family, full of hope.”

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Rodrigue, METAdrasi’s Educational Center in Athens

Education is important for me because it helps and promotes my social integration. That is, it helps me to communicate with people, to find a good job to take care of myself and my family.”

Elif, Athens Educational Center

“For three months now I have been attending courses at METAdrasi and I realized that the most important thing to learn a language is the kind and smiling teachers who have a positive attitude. Education brings me closer to my dreams. Thank you to all my teachers!”

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Marina, Athens Educational Center

I decided to learn Greek in order to be able to communicate with Greeks. A year ago I started attending courses at METAdrasi. Now, I speak, read and write Greek quite well. Our teacher, Ms. Spyridoula, does everything to make us students love the Greek language. I would like to thank METAdrasi for this opportunity they gave me”.

METAdrasi’s educational activities for adults are implemented with the support of UNHCR, the Captain Vassilis & Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation, the Wilstar Foundation and the Liu Kuo-Chun Educational Foundation, as well as with the invaluable support of volunteers.

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