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Interpreter Training Programme

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The Call for Expression of Interest to participate in the interpreter training program has been published. There are twenty (20) training positions available. Successful completion of the program leads to each participant’s registration in a European-wide electronic platform (EU-wide portal) that will provide video remote interpreting services, as well as a receipt of a relevant certificate. 

📅 Application Submission Deadline: 30.8. 2024. 

Participation Requirements: 

  • Knowledge of the English language (level B2) 
  • Knowledge of at least one of the following languages: Pashtu, Dari, Arabic, Tigrinya/Amharic, Oromo, Kurmanji-Sorani-Badini, Krio, Somali, Nepali, Swahili, Madinka, Igbo, Poular, Uzbek, Yoruba, Azer, Soninke, Portuguese, Sinhala,Tamil, Kirundi, Georgian, Kinyarwanda, Susu, Peul, Malinke, Bambara, Peuth, Dioula 
  • Work permit 

📌 Read the full Call for Expression of Interest here.  

Complete the online application form below:

The call is addressed to interested individuals from all over Greece. 

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