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Metadrasi - school bell rings again 1

METAdrasi’s school bell rings again!

Metadrasi - school bell rings again 1

High school students returned to our non-formal education centre in Mytilene.

Starting today, children residing in the new Kara Tepe site are once again able to attend in-person classes outside the camp, at METAdrasi’s school premises, strictly adhering to all public health measures. Wearing masks and keeping the necessary distances, students and teachers “reunited” with joy and enthusiasm for the resumption of education activities. This is the first time after many months that these children are finally able to leave the site to attend classes. And naturally, the first lesson of the day was Greek.

This encouraging development is the result of METAdrasi’s long and intensive efforts to give children from the camp access to education in facilities appropriate to their needs and well-being. Today, masks could not cover the smiles of the children as they entered through the doors of METAdrasi’s education center.

We wish them all the best for a fruitful year ahead!

On the frontier islands, METAdrasi continues to provide education activities to 265 children in the old Kara Tepe Hospitality Centre and outside the camp of Chios. With the reopening of the education centre in Mytilene, this number now reaches 350 children in total.

Education activities for children on the islands are implemented with the support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

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