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Mother & Child Area at the Asylum Service in Thessaloniki: different voices, same children’s smiles!

After being present for a year at the side of mothers with babies or young children and unaccompanied children in the Asylum Service in Athens, through the operation of the “Mother & Child Area”, METAdrasi started a similar action in Thessaloniki.

A few days ago, members of our team, with the valuable help of our volunteers, used once again all their talent and creativity, creating a welcoming and warm place to host the activity, renovating a container and painting it with bright colors.
A variety of educational, artistic and recreational activities for children are held there every day from 8:30 to 16:30.

We are grateful to InterVolve for their kind offer of the container, as well as to the supporters of this action: the Asylum Service, UNICEF and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

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