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Metadrasi - METAdrasi Education Girl

“My life has changed!” – The educational experience at METAdrasi through the eyes of a child

Nadia* is a student of METAdrasi. She is 13 years old and attends both remedial teaching and English courses at METAdrasi. She is currently at the first grade of junior high school, she loves her teachers, her school, her classmates. At METAdrasi’s education centre Nadia has made new friends and has learned a lot.

“My life has changed!” she said full of joy.

Nadia is one of over 12,000 children who have attended classes at METAdrasi’s school since 2017 to date. The Organization’s educational activities span across Athens, Thessaloniki, and the islands of the North Aegean. Its comprehensive programme encompasses teaching the Greek and English languages and providing remedial teaching ensuring that children can meet the requirements of formal education. Additionally, a wide array of educational activities is designed to help children acclimate and integrate smoothly into the Greek society.

 As of September 2021, METAdrasi’s educational activities for minors are part of the programme “All Children in Education”, a UNICEF Greece initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, co-funded by the European Union, and implemented in collaboration with a number of partners, including METAdrasi.

*The name has been changed to protect privacy.

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