No More Walking: “We cycle and run for them: they should never have to walk alone again!”
For the fourth year, the amazing cyclists and runners of No More Walking are crossing the paths of Europe to support the unaccompanied minors in Greece, through METAdrasi’s activities.
23 cyclists, 15 runners and a big support team, from 20 countries all over the world, are spreading, once more, a powerful message of solidarity across Europe and the world!
The cyclists set off on the 6th of September and rode from Amsterdam to Paris, a total of 550km in 72 hours. The runners will join forces with the cyclists and will face the 16.1km of the Dam tot Dam race in Amsterdam, on the 22nd of September.
Thank you Endre from Hungary, Claudie from the Czech Republic, Alain from France, Tomas from the Czech Republic, Krassimir from Bulgaria, Cedric from France, Daniela from Mexico, Ekaterina from Ukraine, Fabrizio from Italy, Kevin from Italy, Stanislav from the Czech Republic, Arindam from India, Jose from Chile, Michael from Germany, Danny from UK, Tanya from UK, Tomas from Slovakia, Ales from Slovenia, Josep from Spain, Fab from Italy, Rok from Slovenia, Ales from the Czech Republic, Merel, Melissa, Fani from Spain, Nadia from Greece and all of our wonderful friends participating in and supporting this incredible initiative! We hope you shared an unforgettable experience!
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