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Our educational teams hosted a celebration for young and old alike

A few days before the end of the year, METAdrasi’s educational teams in Athens and Thessaloniki organized a celebration, with our young students and their parents as guests.

Our educational centers, full of festive colors and decorations, hosted creative and entertaining activities for young and old alike. With the help of our face painters, the students were “transformed” into little elves, while at the origami workshops they learned how to make unique crafts.

Amidst festive songs and lots of dancing, the guests decorated the Christmas tree made by our students with wishes for the New Year and tasted traditional Christmas delicacies. The celebration could not have been complete without Santa Claus, who brought presents to all the children, brightening up their faces even more.

Τhe program “All Children in Education” is implemented by METAdrasi with support from UNICEF and co-funding from the European Union.

METAdrasi, started on January 2020 the operation of the Integration Learning Center, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration and within the framework of HELIOS Project. The project as of January 1st 2022 is funded through the co-financed part of the Public Investment Programme of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum.

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