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Metadrasi - METAdrasi Lesvos edu 1

The students of our educational center in Lesvos learn about the marine ecosystem

Metadrasi - METAdrasi Lesvos edu 1

Our young students who attend classes at our educational center in Lesvos, together with students from the New Village School in California, “took a dive” into the sea in order to learn about the marine ecosystem.

During this special lesson, we were visited by the Healing Lesvos team who spoke to the children about the life of various sea organisms, followed by a very interesting discussion about water pollution and ways in which we can help in order to keep our coasts clean.

At the end of this nice meeting, both the refugee children and the children from California sent a common message, agreeing that we should all do what we can to protect our seas and our environment!

From June 2021, METAdrasi’s educational activities for minors in Chios and Lesvos are implemented in the framework of the programme “All Children In Education”, a UNICEF Greece initiative, co-funded by the European Union and implemented by a number of partners, including METAdrasi.

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