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Two years without Maria Piniou-Kalli

Two years without Maria Piniou-Kalli, the doctor who devoted her life to the support and rehabilitation of torture victims and the battle to eradicate torture

Two years ago, we lost an important member of our team, Maria Piniou-Kalli, METAdrasi’s expert from 2011 on Certification of Torture Victims’ issues.

She will always be remembered for her dynamic presence, dedication and passion for her work, inexhaustible energy and the care with which she treated every person by those who were lucky enough to know her and work with her.

METAdrasi’s team carries on the important work she left behind, since the need for recognition and support of torture victims seeking asylum in our country is extremely urgent.

Watch video excerpts from an interview she gave to Lampis Tagmatarchis and Andreas Roumeliotis in May 2014, at the television show “Lampater” of Nova channel.

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