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Metadrasi - METAdrasi Samos shelter 1

Unaccompanied children of the Samos Accommodation Centre visit the Animal Welfare Association of the island

With enthusiasm evident on their faces, unaccompanied children living in METAdrasi’s accommodation center in Samos, visited the island’s Animal Welfare Association for a beautiful experience with stray four-legged friends!

The children spent unique moments with the shelter dogs: they cuddled and played with them, fed them treats, and took them for walks. For some of these children it was the first time they had ever been in contact with and cared for a puppy!

The shelter manager explained the right way to approach a stray and scared animal and how to provide proper and systematic care. What won the children over, however, were the unique rescue stories of each animal. It was an experience they will never forget!

We would like to thank the Animal Welfare Association of Samos, Ms. Brigitte Huber-Thumianides and Ms. Eleftheria Petridou for the invitation and hospitality.

METAdrasi’s Accommodation Centre for Unaccompanied Minors in Samos, operates since August 2023 with the support of the Migration and Home Affairs Funds (TAMEY), co-funded by the European Union.

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