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A volunteer teacher talks about her experience


Matoula Georgedaki, volunteer teacher at METAdrasi’s Greek language classes for refugees and migrants, talks about her experience.  

  • What does volunteering mean to you? 

I believe that volunteering is more than just a social contribution. It is a source of human evolution, both in personal and in social level. Society needs people who desire to offer with their hearts and I am very happy that I had the opportunity to work in this field. Through METAdrasi’s activities I have met many such people. People who, in spite of their routine and everyday problems, find a way out to love, sensitivity and understanding. By offering even the slightest of your personal time, in order to make this world better, you have already taken a great step towards preserving and reproducing what we call humanity. This is when hope begins to appear in the world. 

  • How do you feel each time you offer as a volunteer? 

Every time I finish a lesson of Greek language, I feel the greatest satisfaction. All this time, I watched my students develop themselves more and more before my eyes: gradually acquiring knowledge and gaining confidence and will to continue. It is a real achievement to know that people who have experienced such bad and difficult situations, see in your eyes one of their own. This is more than enough for me! The help I have offered METAdrasi is the best thing I have ever done! Mainly for myself and then for those I have helped. 

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