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World Environment Day 2021

World Environment Day on Saturday 5 June and we were all present at the cleaning activities organized by Save Your Hood, all over Greece: our team together with dozens of children, teenagers and former unaccompanied minors supported by METAdrasi, children with their foster families, as well as homeless children supported by the Dormitory and the Day Center, we all did our best not to leave a single piece of garbage!

We filled the bags, we emptied the parks, the beaches, the neighborhoods from all shorts of trash! Because that’s exactly how we want our neighborhoods to be, not just this weekend of World Environment Day, but all year long.

And as the team of Save Your Hood says: “Save you hood, your forest, your beach, save the place where you live and that you love.” And the children supported by METAdrasi proved once again how much they love the place where they live!

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