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METAdrasi’s activity “Accommodation for Single Mothers with Young Children”: Maria, a member of our team, talks about her recent experience

“A few days ago, I accompanied two of our guests, a Syrian mother with her young son, to the offices of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), since, after many months of waiting, their relocation process had finally been completed.

12 o’clock at noon. The crowd had begun to gather early for the scheduled appointment, where the coveted “yes” would be announced. Coaches parked outside, brought people from every refugee camp of the Greek territory. In about an hour, the room was filled with around 200 people. Hugs and kisses from old acquaintances, people who hadn’t met since they were back home or since they first arrived in Greece – in whatever way they managed to come… Babies were crying, stressed mothers were trying to calm them down, children were playing. Everyone was tired, after all this waiting, hardship and fasting, as it was the Ramadan period. And yet, the joy of expectation was flooding their eyes. In a few days, their new life would finally start: relocation to Sweden. I felt tears coming up in my eyes, I felt awe. How much will power does a man possess? How many times can someone start from scratch? How many times can someone grit their teeth and say “I have to survive”?”

The Syrian mother contacted Maria from Sweden to inform her of their news and to thank her for METAdrasi’s support.

Learn more about the Activity

As the housing needs of single-parent refugee families remain urgent, we are very grateful to the Association for Aid Relief Japan (AAR Japan) for its valuable support in our efforts.

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