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Metadrasi - METAdrasi Career Days 2023

Active involvement of METAdrasi in the ‘WELCOME 2023’ Career Days

With great success, the “WELCOME 2023” Career Days event, took place at the Serafio City of Athens on 27 and 28 March. The event was attended by 42 companies and more than 500 refugee and migrant candidates with the aim to connect them and smoothly integrate them into the Greek labour market.

METAdrasi actively participated by supporting and guiding both the beneficiaries of the Stepping Stone programme and people who arrived in search of employment. At the same time, thanks to the valuable contribution of our volunteers and the Education Department, we provided creative activities for children during the time when parents participated in the interview process. While, our interpreters were also present to assist in the communication between participants and companies.

Companies were able to attend METAdrasi’s D&I (Diversity & Inclusion) Workshop to highlight the value of inclusion in breaking down stereotypes and prejudices that often prevail in work environments.

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