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Metadrasi - metadrasi education s

Creating a “bridge” for the exchange of good practices, challenges and emotions

Metadrasi - metadrasi education

“I will never forget who taught me to read and write, in order to become a member of the society. The teacher represents the first image of a society and a country because they show us, just like a good mother, the stages of life. Thank you teacher!”
Fatime, a student from our education programmes for adults, manages to capture in her words the importance of education.

METAdrasi, trying to ensure access to education for everyone and especially for children, implements since its establishment educational programmes not only for recognized refugees, but also for asylum seekers for whom, we must underline, there is no provision for learning the Greek language.

Through these activities, our educators face dozens of challenges every day, which are not limited to learning issues, but include ethical, psycho-emotional and social issues.

In order to strengthen and empower them, METAdrasi organized an online two-day training program with the participation of 30 volunteers and teachers from other activities of the Organization related to education of children, such as accommodation facilities, Supported Independent Living, as well as activities related to the education of adults. In this training program, Athens teachers, who have many years of experience in teaching Greek language as a second language, transferred via their presentations, multi-dimensional material, educational tools and good practices developed during the period of the pandemic, experiences from their classes, but also reflections, creating a “bridge” in order to exchange good practices, challenges and emotions.

METAdrasi’s educational programmes in Athens for children and adults refugees and migrants are being implemented with the valuable help of volunteer teachers, the support of Liu Kuo-Chun Educational Foundation, Hong Kong, and of “Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos” Foundation, as well as with other own resources.

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