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Metadrasi - METAdrasi Stepping Stone Samos 2

“Stepping Stone” seminars for refugees and asylum seekers in Samos and Lesvos

Metadrasi - METAdrasi Stepping Stone Samos 1

With the main objective of integrating refugees and asylum seekers into the labour market and the Greek society in general, METAdrasi’s Stepping Stone programme continues its activities:

In Samos, a three-day seminar on vine cultivation was held, in which 10 beneficiaries (8 men and 2 women) participated. The participants received theoretical and practical training on the cultivation and care of vineyards. Some of them did not hesitate to express their desire to work in this sector. For the second consecutive year, the seminar was provided free of charge on the premises of Grape Evolution, who we wanly thank.

Another successful seminar was held in Lesvos, with the participation of 15 beneficiaries and with the presence of representatives of UNHCR and the Integration Office of the island’s Accommodation Facility. METAdrasi’s job counsellors presented the opportunities that refugees have for integration into the labour market, as well as the multiple opportunities for enhancing their skills, highlighting the need to learn the Greek language. At the same time, they simulated various work environments, so that participants could prepare themselves properly for the upcoming interviews. The seminar was supported, as always, by METAdrasi’s Interpreters Department.

* METAdrasi’s Stepping Stone programme is implemented in cooperation with UNHCR.

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