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“Together in Sport – Phase II” at the summer camp of Keratea

The children of the “7th camp of Keratea” of the Municipality of Lavreotiki had the unique opportunity to get to know nine different sports.

“Together in Sport – Phase II” gave the children the opportunity to participate in sports activities, while at the same time they were introduced to the values of the Olympic ideal.

Acrobatics, Laser Run, Kick Boxing, Fencing, Handball, Athletics, Cricket, Siting Volleyball and Blind Judo were the sports that the young campers were introduced to with the help of distinguished athletes and coaches.

The beautiful event was attended by the Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Ms. Sophia Zacharaki, the Mayor of Lavreotiki, Mr. Dimitris Loukas and members of the municipal council.

The day was concluded with prize drawings, as well as the “Together in Sport” medal and many beautiful moments for all the children!

“Together in Sport – Phase II” is implemented by METAdrasi (project coordinator), the Hellenic Olympic Committee, and the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) supports with coordination and co-funding. The project is also co-funded by the AMIF (2021-2027). With the support of the General Secretariat for Vulnerable Persons & Institutional Protection of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum.  

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