We have conducted more than 2,175,000 interpreting sessions and we keep going strong!
METAdrasi becomes again the only organization in Greece that will provide interpretation in all refugee camps and in the reception and asylum procedures, either with physical presence or by tele-conference. The day before yesterday, the first contract with the Asylum Service was signed and in the next days, the signing with the other competent authorities is expected, including the Reception and Identification Service, which manages the refugee camps and where, in the last years, the interpretation was covered by a foreign company.
METAdrasi is a non-profit organization and our priority since 2010 has been to highlight the importance of the role of the interpreter in the management of migration and the quality in what is called “community interpreting”. Through hard work and overcoming countless challenges over the years, we have stayed true to our principles and are proud of the interpreting system we have built that includes procedures of selection, training and supporting our interpreters, of the innovations we have brought, and of our dedicated team. Quality and neutral interpretation must become a priority for all EU Member States and we are ready to contribute to this vision and to go beyond the Greek borders, spreading this Greek good practice!
METAdrasi continues to provide interpretation in other services, either with its own resources, such as in hospitals, or with the support of International Organizations (UNHCR GREECE, UNICEF Greece), such as in schools and other institutions.