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Metadrasi - Together in Sport Phase II MoU Mytilene 1

TOGETHER IN SPORT – Phase II: Signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Municipality of Mytilene, METAdrasi and the Hellenic Olympic Committee

Metadrasi - Together in Sport Phase II MoU Mytilene 1

Following the excellent cooperation that has been developed through the implementation of the “Together in Sport – Phase II” project, the Mayor of Mytilene, Panagiotis Christofas and the President of METAdrasi, Lora Pappa, signed yesterday, Monday 9 September 2024, a Memorandum of Cooperation, which will be co-signed by the President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, Spyros Capralos.

Together in Sport – Phase II” gives to children and young people (up to 21 years old) refugees and asylum seekers the opportunity to participate in a range of sporting and cultural activities, together with their peers from the local community. Through these activities – as demonstrated by the sports event “One World, one Ball” which was held with great success in Mytilene in July – children and young people are introduced to various sports and Olympic values, but above all they are brought together in a spirit of acceptance and solidarity.

The project is co-funded by the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and the AMIF (2021-2027), and is implemented by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), in cooperation with the Hellenic Olympic Committee and METAdrasi as coordinator, as well as in cooperation with local authorities.

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